Chickpea Hash

​1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 tbsp. parsley
1/2 tbsp. dried chives
1 egg or egg replacer
1 clove garlic, minced
1/4 chopped red onion
4 baby red potatoes, cubed w/ skins
1 1/2 tbsp. white truffle oil
Pepper to taste ( I used cubeb pepper)

In a large skillet, add truffle oil and garlic on medium heat until the oil becomes fragrant and garlic has browned, then add the onions. Onions should be cooked in the oil until they are slightly transparent and thinned.

Turn heat down to low to reduce the popping of the garlic and oil.Add cubed red potatoes and cook until the potatoes yield to gentle pressure and are slightly browned, about ten minutes. 

While the potatoes are cooking, drain and rinse your can of chickpeas. Chickpeas (once drained) should still hold some moisture- do not pat dry. In a medium-sized mixing bowl, use a potato-masher to squish chickpeas. They do not need to be completely mashed! If some chickpeas are still intact, that's ok!

Crack an egg into the mixture or add your preferred egg replacer. When cooking, I prefer ground flaxseed. (1 tbsp. ground flaxseed to 3 tbsp. water is the equivalent of one egg) Add the parsley and chives to the mixture. Stir until well combined. 

Once the potatoes have slightly browned, add the chickpea mixture to the skillet. Cook the hash for another five-ten minutes, stirring occasionally. The chickpea mixture will become golden brown. Remove from heat and top the mixture with pepper to taste. 

Served over top was a salsa I made using ​half of a diced heirloom tomato and one green chili pepper and a dash of lemon juice. (Really! That's it! and it tastes great!)

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